Figure 6.
(a) A single axial slice from the 3D FDTD model with the void created by the ERC's balloon and the position of the 16 elements of the trESA coil. (b) An axial cross section at the point of maximum SAR for the trESA coil with 5×5×5 mm3 resolution. (c) Coronal section of the trERC model in the polyacrylamide gel phantom at the level of the coil. (d) Coronal slice of calculated SAR 4 mm above the trERC coil with a resolution of 2×2×2 mm3. (e) The heating curves during 10 minutes of heating with 13.4 W continuous power at the point of the feed and distributed capacitors as indicated on by the solid and dashed arrows respectively in (c) and (d).