Figure 2. FRL2 and mDia2 FH1-FH2 domain-containing constructs induce filopodia in 300.19 cells.
GFP-fusion constructs containing the FH1-FH2 domains of FRL2 (A, FH1-FH2), mDia2 (B, FH1-FH2-C) or FRL1 (C, FH1-FH2-C) were expressed in 300.19 cells for six hours, followed by formaldehyde fixation and staining with rhodamine-phalloidin and DAPI. Panels A-C represent cells that were allowed to adhere to poly-L-lysine coated coverslips prior to fixation. Panel D represents cells that were transfected with FRL2 FH1-FH2-C then fixed in suspension prior to adhesion to poly-L-lysine coated coverslips. Scale bars represent 5 μm.