Estimation of the size of the Tay1p particles bound to DNA by positive staining. Complexes of Tay1p on the model Y. lipolytica telomere DNA were formed as described in Fig. 4 (see also “Experimental Procedures”) and prepared for EM by adsorption to thin carbon foils and staining with 2% uranyl acetate. A and B, Tay1p binds preferentially along the 810-bp telomeric tract but occasionally elsewhere on the DNA. Measurement of the diameter of 127 particles from examples such those shown in A and B generated a size distribution shown in C. D, when analyzed by gel filtration on Superdex-200, the peak of Tay1p is eluted in the fractions corresponding to dimeric forms of the protein. The lanes in the inset correspond to the fractions indicated on the horizontal line.