Ca2+ signaling patterns evoked by CCK in pancreatic acinar cells extracted from wild type and CD38−/− mice. Ca2+ oscillations were observed in wild type cells after 5 or 50 pm CCK stimulation (n = 40 and 18, respectively) in the presence (A) and absence (B) of Ca2+ in the extracellular solution (n = 27 and 22, respectively). C, cytosolic Ca2+ signals evoked by CCK at 5 pm in CD38−/− cells (n = 37) in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. D, no Ca2+ responses were observed in cells extracted from CD38−/− mice following stimulation with 5 or 50 pm CCK in Ca2+-free external solution, although the SERCA inhibitor, thapsigargin (1 μm; Tg) still evokes Ca2+ release (n = 87 and 86, respectively). E, whole cell configuration of the patch clamp technique recordings of the Ca2+-dependent Cl− current in CD38−/− acinar cells, which was used as an index of the cytosolic Ca2+ elevation. The Ca2+-sensitive current evoked by NAADP (50 nm) or by IP3 at 15 μm or cADPR at 10 μm when present, respectively, in the intracellular pipette solution (n = 4, 3, and 3, respectively). The messenger-evoked Ca2+ spikes are similar to those observed in pancreatic acinar cells derived from wild type mice (7, 27).