Figure 4.
ANGPTL4 has no effect on osteoclast differentiation. A) CD14-positive monocytes in 1% FCS medium were exposed to 1, 5, 25, or 100 ng/ml ANGPTL4 (dotted lines, all concentrations) for 10 d, and cell numbers were compared with the untreated control (solid line). Positive control (25 ng/ml M-CSF; dashed line); **P < 0.01. B, C) Monocyte-osteoclast differentiation in the presence of M-CSF and/or RANKL (open bars) was unaffected by the addition of 100 ng/ml ANGPTL4 (shaded bars) with respect to either osteoclast number (B) or resorption (C). Experiments were performed in normoxic culture conditions.