Figure 2.
The relationship of serum LH to BMI and free testosterone levels in PCOS (n=88). A. The relationship of 2-hr mean baseline LH to BMI. B. The early LH response (average level 30–60 min minus baseline) to GnRH agonist (leuprolide acetate 10 μg/kg) is inversely correlated to BMI. C. The early LH response to GnRH agonist is significantly positively correlated with the plasma free testosterone level, but to a lesser degree than with BMI. Free testosterone tends to correlate with BMI (r=0.188, p=0.08, data not shown). These relationships were not significant in 53 asymptomatic, eumenorrheic volunteers (normal 5-95th percentile shown in hatched areas), about half of whom had a polycystic ovary and 13% of whom had subclinical PCOS by Rotterdam criteria. Data from previously reported groups (Mortensen et al., 2009).