Overnight LH profiles in a premenarcheal, normal-BMI (NW) girl with PCOS-like functional ovarian hyperandrogenism (FOH) in comparison to a NW control, both with stage 3 breast development. The FOH was detected because of outlier hormone levels during a study of normal volunteers (Bordini et al., 2009): it was manifest as an elevated plasma free testosterone level (15 pg/ml) and 17-hydroxyprogesterone peak response to GnRHag (256 ng/dl) in the absence of a polycystic ovary; peak sleep LH was 3 S.D. above normal (7.7 ± 4.1, SD, U/L) with a significant sleep-related rise in mean LH. CA = chronologic age, BA = bone age. Arrows denote sleep onset, asterisks denote significant LH pulses.