Figure 2.
(a,b) Developmental reaction norms and (c,d) contextual generality diagrams for adult male mice from six inbred strains: symbols indicate the mean value for each strain: filled diamonds, DBA/2J; filled squares, C57BL/6J; filled circles, BALB/CJ; asterisks, NZB; filled triangles, SJL; open triangles, 129J. Individuals were either not exposed (Naive) or were exposed (Odour-exposed) to cat odour a week before being tested on assays for ‘anxiety' and for a ‘startle response'. For several strains, developmental plasticity (slope of the developmental reaction norm) for the anxiety test was different from developmental plasticity for the startle test (e.g. compare slopes of BALB/CJ in figure 2a,b). As a result of these differences in developmental plasticity within strains, contextual generality was high for Naive animals (cf. the parallel lines in figure 2c) but low for Odour-exposed animals (figure 2d). Figure 2a,b redrawn from Cohen et al. (2008), with permission of Cambridge University Press.