Female 3xTg-AD mice exhibit higher levels of Aβ than males. Representative images show Aβ immunoreactivity from 12–14 mo female (A, D, G) and male (B, E, H) 3xTg-AD mice in the subiculum (A,B), hippocampus CA1 (D,E), and frontal cortex (G,H). Scale bar = 100μm. Quantification of Aβ immunoreactive load shows significant differences between females (solid bars) and males (open bars) in the subiculum (C) [F (7,46) = 23.72, p < 0.0001], hippocampus CA1 (F) [F (7,46) = 5.88, p = 0.0005], and frontal cortex (I) [F (7,46) = 9.76, p <0.0001]. Representative low magnification images of Aβ immunoreactivity in hippocampus and subiculum of 12–14 mo female (J) and male (K) 3xTg-AD mice show significantly higher numbers of Aβ plaques in females (L) [F (8,43) = 9.25, p < 0.0001]. Scale bar = 250μm. Data show mean values ± SEM. * p < 0.01 relative to males of same age group.