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. 2010 Dec;5(12):2258–2268. doi: 10.2215/CJN.02080310

Table 3.

Baseline SF36a health-related quality of life scoresb across quartiles of mid-arm muscle circumference in 792 MHD patients

Variables Mid-arm Muscle Circumference Quartiles
Quartile 1 (n = 199) Quartile 2 (n = 198) Quartile 3 (n = 199) Quartile 4 (n = 196) P for Trend
SF-36 mental health dimension 50 ± 20 55 ± 22 54 ± 20 53 ± 20 0.17
SF-36 physical health dimension 44 ± 21 47 ± 23 47 ± 21 46 ± 22 0.54
SF-36 scales
    Body pain 56 ± 29 61 ± 29 60 ± 29 56 ± 28 0.99
    General health 44 ± 24 47 ± 21 44 ± 21 44 ± 21 0.97
    Mental health 62 ± 21 67 ± 21 67 ± 19 69 ± 20 <0.01
    Physical function 44 ± 28 46 ± 31 48 ± 29 47 ± 30 0.36
    Role emotional 42 ± 43 52 ± 44 48 ± 43 47 ± 42 0.42
    Role physical 31 ± 39 37 ± 41 36 ± 42 36 ± 42 0.19
    Functionality 57 ± 27 62 ± 29 63 ± 28 63 ± 27 0.08
    Vitality 48 ± 21 50 ± 24 49 ± 21 47 ± 22 0.52

Short form quality of life score with 36 questions.


Of all the 792 patients under study, data of quality of life were available for 690 patients.