Figure 7.
Oxidative stress response protein forms an interconnected network that alters ROS distribution and influences estrogen responsiveness. (A) Oxidized Trx (Trx-ox) is reduced (Trx-red) by TrxR using NADPH as a cofactor. SOD1 dismutates superoxide to form H2O2 and reduced Trx activates peroxiredoxins (Prx) to help eliminate H2O2. Trx, Ape1, and PDI reduce zinc finger proteins, enhance interaction with their cognate-binding sites in DNA, and alter transcription. Adapted from Webster et al. 2001. (B) Trx, TrxR, SOD1, PDI, and Ape1 form an interconnected network of proteins (Lundstrom & Holmgren 1990, Cheung et al. 1999, Wei et al. 2000, Webster et al. 2001, Atkin et al. 2006, Schultz-Norton et al. 2006, 2008, Ando et al. 2008, Rao et al. 2008, Curtis et al. 2009) that are recruited to the DNA-bound ERα (Schultz-Norton et al. 2008) and influence ERα-mediated gene expression (Schultz-Norton et al. 2006, Rao et al. 2008, Curtis et al. 2009).