Figure 6.
Kaplan-Meier curves showing the percentage of survival of Bm86 silenced and control R. microplus engorged females after feeding to repletion on cattle during acute B. bovis infection. Panels A and B show the percentage of survival of female ticks of the experiment one and two, respectively. In experiment one, 100% (n = 83) of the replete females of the control group survived the evaluation period whereas 91.6% (33 out of 36) of the replete females survived in the silenced group. In the experiment two, 100% (n = 8) of the replete females of the control group survived the evaluation period whereas only 27.5% (8 out of 29) of the replete females survived in the silenced group. Chi-squared test showed significant differences (P < 0.05) between the control and silenced groups in both experiments.