Figure 3.
(A) Specific amplification of 5′ cDNA ends from Atlantic salmon (Ss) and Zebrafish (Dr) fast muscle. Lane 1 STAC3 (Ss), Lane 2 IGF-I (Ss) Lane 3 CMYA5 (Dr), Lane 4 MAFbx (Ss), Lane 5 STAC3 (Ss). DNA size marker of 5000, 2000, 850, 400 and 200 bp is shown in Lane M. In all cases, a single amplicon was produced, except for STAC3 (Lane 1) where two alternative splice variants were obtained. 5′ T-RACE successfully amplified IGF-I (Lane 2) that is expressed at low levels in Atlantic salmon muscle, and a long transcript, CMYA5 (Lane 3), that is over 6 kb in length. To demonstrate that long amplicons can be amplified using the T-RACE method, we amplified ∼1.9 kb from STAC3 (Lane 5). (B) To demonstrate that the single pool of cDNA can be used for both 5′ and 3′ amplification of cDNA ends, we amplified the 3′ ends of Zebrafish CMYA5 (Lane 1) and Atlantic salmon MAFbx (Lane 2) and STAC3 (Lane 3). DNA size marker of 5000, 2000, 850, 400 and 200 bp is shown in Lane M.