A. Murine endothelial cells isolated from TRAF1-deficient and wild-type mice were stimulated with or without TNFα (20ng/ml), CD40L (10µg/ml), and IL-1β (10ng/ml), and cell lysates were analyzed for VCAM-1 (N=6) and ICAM-1 (N=7) by Western blotting. Pooled densitometric data adjusted for GAPDH given as mean±SEM are shown on top, representative blots below.
B. Arterial tissue of TRAF1−/−/LDLR−/− and TRAF1+/+/LDLR−/− mice was isolated and lysates were examined for VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 protein expression by Western blotting. Data adjusted for GAPDH expression. Data are shown as grouped scatter plot. Representative blots are shown below (N=3).
C. Sections of the aortic roots of TRAF1−/−/LDLR−/− and TRAF1+/+/LDLR−/− mice consuming a high cholesterol diet for 18 weeks underwent immunohistochemical analysis for VCAM-1- and ICAM-1 expression. VCAM-1- (N=6 and 10) and ICAM-1- (N=6 and 11)-positive staining in relation to total wall area is displayed as grouped scatter plot on the left, representative pictures are shown on the right.
D. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) obtained from TRAF1-deficient and wild-type mice were stimulated with or without TNFα (20ng/ml) for 24h, and cell lysates were analyzed for CD29 (N=4) and CD11b (N=3) by Western blotting. Pooled densitometric data adjusted for GAPDH given as grouped scatter plot, representative blots below.