Figure 2.
Transduction with the anti-CD33.CAR does not alter native CIK cell functions. (A) Reactivity of CIK cells against cells of the control K562 cell line was determined after 21 days of culture by a standard 4-h 51chromium-release assay. Data shown are mean ± SD of five separate experiments. Anti-CD33.CAR-transduced CIK cells displayed similar or higher killing of the K562 cell line compared to unmanipulated cells, consistently with the reported expression of CD33 on this cell line (**P≤0.005 and *P≤0.05 versus unmanipulated CIK cells). (B) The migratory activity of CIK cells in response to the CXCL12 chemokine was determined by an in vitro chemotactic assay in the absence (upper panel) and in the presence of reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel) (lower panel) (n=4). The horizontal line at the migration index 1.0 indicates lack of chemotaxis.