Table 2. Negative correlations with precuneus/PCC in individual subjects before and after physiological noise correction.
Anatomical regions in which 4 or more subjects had negative correlations with the precuneus/PCC ROI (r<-0.15) before any corrections were applied to the data. After physiological noise correction, there were additional regions (beyond those present before correction) for which ≥4 subjects had negative correlations; these are indicated in boldface. BA, Brodmann area; operc, opercularis; tri, triangularis; SMA, supplementary motor area
Region | BA |
L/R middle temporal | 37 |
L/R insula | 48 |
L/R inferior frontal (operc) | 6/44 |
L/R middle frontal, inferior frontal (tri) | 9/45/46/47 |
L/R superior frontal | 6 |
R SMA | 6 |
R mid cingulate | 32 |
L/R precentral | 6 |
R postcentral | 2/3 |
L/R supramarginal, inferior parietal | 40 |