Table 5.
Study group effects: estimated marginal means of study group (SG) participants and nonparticipants (no SG) on course and final exam scores after controlling for GPA (covariate)
Variable | Spring semester |
Fall semester |
No SG | SG | F | p | No SG | SG | F | p | |
Course% | 77.91 | 85.76 | 35.406 | <0.001* | 77.58 | 79.69 | 3.115 | 0.079 |
Final exam% | 69.41 | 77.60 | 24.782 | <0.001* | 69.55 | 70.38 | 0.317 | 0.574 |
MC% | 71.55 | 78.71 | 17.797 | <0.001* | 69.07 | 69.60 | 0.137 | 0.712 |
Essay% | 67.74 | 77.14 | 22.525 | <0.001* | 61.96 | 62.95 | 0.337 | 0.562 |
Level 1 + 2% | 77.36 | 85.26 | 16.877 | <0.001* | 68.89 | 70.13 | 0.513 | 0.475 |
Level 3+% | 52.73 | 63.59 | 12.246 | 0.001* | 51.22 | 51.82 | 0.063 | 0.801 |
MC, multiple-choice questions. Level 1 + 2: lower-level essay questions, Level 3+: higher-level essay questions. Spring: study group participants scored significantly higher means in class and final exam scores than did nonparticipants (after removing GPA influence); Fall: marginal means for participants tended to be higher, but the effect was not significant (beyond GPA) on class and final exam scores.
* Significant at p < 0.05.