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. 2010 Oct-Dec;15(4):129–132. doi: 10.4103/0971-9261.72435

Table 1.

Study summary

Median age of children (months) 24 No. (%)
Age group
 <1 year 19(30.2)
 1 – 5years 31(49.2)
 6 – 10years 11(17.5)
 > 10years 2(3.2)
Occupation of caregivers
 Homemaker 53(84.1)
 Farmer/labourer 5(7.9)
 Shopkeeper/accountant 3(4.8)
 Nurse/doctor 2(3.2)
Education of caregivers
 Uneducated 10(15.9)
 <Class 10 9(14.3)
 Intermediate 27(42.9)
 Graduate 13(20.6)
 Postgraduate 4(6.3)
Can a child aspirate foreign bodies?
 Yes 47(74.6)
 No 16(25.4)
Recognition of foreign body aspiration No. (%)
 Yes 34(54
 No 29(46)
How dangerous is foreign body aspiration?
 Not very dangerous 2(3.1)
 Slightly dangerous 18(28.6)
 Life threatening 34(54)
 Not sure 9(14.3)
Measures to prevent foreign body aspiration
 None 38(60.3)
 Educate child 4(6.3)
 Small objects out of reach 17(27)
 Supervise child all the time 4(6.3)
 Treat on own 32(50.8)
 Physician 29(46)
 Not sure 2(3.2)
Source of information
 No information 48(76.2)
 Others (relatives, friends, etc.) 6(9.5)
 Visual media 5(7.9)
 Allied health workers 2(3.2)
 Physicians 1(1.6)
 Visual media 1(1.6)