Peptide dose response of CD8+ CL-4 T cells. A, CL-4 T cells were stimulated in vitro with the indicated concentrations of PR/8 HA533–541 or Japan HA529–537 peptide-pulsed splenocytes. At the indicated times poststimulation, viable cell counts were calculated using trypan blue exclusion. B, CL-4 T cells were stimulated in vitro with PR/8 HA533–541 for 5 d, then the effector CL-4 T cells were washed and restimulated with indicated concentrations of PR/8 HA533–541 or Japan HA529–537 peptide in the presence of Golgi-Stop for 5 h. The production of IFN-γ by CL-4 cells was then measured by intracellular staining. The percentages of IFN-γ+ cells in the total CL-4 cells are depicted. C, CL-4 T cells were stimulated in vitro with 10−6 M Japan HA529–537 peptide-pulsed splenocytes in the absence or presence of hIL-2 (40 U/ml). Forward and side scatter properties of CL-4 T cells poststimulation are depicted. Numbers indicate percentage of cells within the dead gate.