Fig. 5.
Passive transfer of BM-DCITE suppresses EAE. (A) Naive mice received BM-DC and BM-DCITE (2 × 106 per mouse, three times every 4 d), derived from WT or AHR-d mice and EAE was induced. The course of EAE is shown as the mean EAE score ± SEM. **P < 0.001 compared with mice transferred with BM-DC from WT mice or BM-DCITE from AHR-d mice. (B) Recall response to MOG35–55 in splenocytes 21 d after EAE induction. Cell proliferation is indicated as cpm ± SD in triplicate wells. **P < 0.001 compared with cells from mice transferred with BM-DC from WT mice or BM-DCITE from AHR-d mice. (C) Frequency of CD4+Foxp3+ Treg in splenocytes 21 d after EAE induction, and frequency of CD4+ IL-17+ T cells and CD4+ IFN-γ+ T cells in splenocytes 21 d after EAE, following activation with MOG35–55 for 5 d. Representative data of one of at least two experiments that produced similar results.