Fig. 2.
Oxygen isotope anomaly in peroxide (open square) formed during ozone (300 ± 10 μ mole) and water (83 ± 3 μ mole) interaction (A) Δ17O = 2.5% after 11 h, (B) interaction of ozone with adsorbed water on aerosol surface (CaO) for 47 h produced peroxide with Δ17O = 3.5%, (C) Δ17O = 11.06% after 72 h of reaction with ozone and water, and (D) ozone and water isotope exchange in the presence of sea sand with Δ17O = 22.3% after 28 h. The isotopic composition of the initial ozone (solid square) and Millipore water are shown with a closed symbol (triangle).