Fig. 1.
The remains of some of the personal ornaments, awls, pierced animal teeth, and ivory pendants that have been excavated from the Châtelperronian levels at this site. Xa/c B9 no. 3657 (A); XII A12 sn, dated OxA-21594: 37 ± 1 kaBP (B); Xb2 W9 sn, dated OxA-21592: 36,200 ± 1,100 B.P. (C); Xa Z12 no. 1421, dated OxA-21557: 38,100 ± 1,300 B.P. (D); Xb1 Z11 no. 720, dated OxA-21590: 21,150 ± 160 B.P. (E); Xa Y11 no. 5102 (fox canine with groove) (F); Xb Z14 no. 96 (perforated fox canine) (G); Xa/c A/Z11 (bovid incisor with groove) (H); Xa A11 no. 3805 (marmot incisor with groove) (I); Xa Z13 sn (perforated reindeer phalange) (J); and Xb Y13 no. 3899 (Rhynchonella sp. fossil with groove) (K). [Image courtesy of M. Vanhaeren (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Nanterre, France).]