Figure 5. Unfolding length statistics by AFM for dystrophin nano-constructs.
(A) Histograms for peak-to-peak unfolding lengths for R18~L1~R21, R16~L2~R21 and R15~L3~R23 all show a major peak that was fit with a Gaussian for single domain unfolding centered near ~20 nm. Peaks at ~2× and ~3× the major peak value reflect simultaneous unfolding of multiple repeats. (B) After the 6000–8000 contacts of tip to surface, the total unfolding length (avg. ± S.D.) beyond the second peak is obtained for each sawtooth, which is categorized by Npk. The upper gray regions indicate the extension limits calculated from Table 2, and the slope of the best-fit line through all of the data (including zero total unfolding length at Npk = 2) is the average distance between peaks, which accounts for both single and multi-domain unfolding‥ The lower bargraph shows frequency distributions of Npk fitted to exponential decays of the form m−Npk with 3 < Npk < max(Npk) and the indicated values for m.