Figure 5.
Blood pressure and renal injury in Tie2-CYP2J2-Tr and Tie2-CYP2C8-Tr mice in the presence of angiotensin/high-salt-induced hypertension. A) In the angiotensin/high-salt (ANG/HS) hypertension model, systolic blood pressure was measured noninvasively by tail-cuff plethysmography. Changes (ΔBP) from baseline at 4 wk in Tie2-CYP2J2-Tr (ANG/HS, n=6), Tie2-CYP2C8-Tr (ANG/HS, n=7), and wild-type (WT) littermate mice (ANG/HS, n=10) are provided. Control WT mice treated with in high-salt (HS) alone (n=11) are also included. B, C) On d 28, urinary protein excretion over 24 h (B) and histological glomerular injury scores (C) were measured in each group (n=5–7/group). *P < 0.05 vs. WT mice treated with ANG/HS. D) Representative images of renal histological sections in each group demonstrate the relative degree of glomerular injury.