Figure 2.
Hybridisation designs for testes and brain microarray. (a) Testes sample pools were hybridised using a loop design. Three precocious pools (P1-P3) each of four individuals were hybridised to three non-precocious pools (NP1-NP3) each of ten individuals. Each sample pool at the tail of the arrow (green) was Cy3-labelled and that at the arrowhead (red) was Cy5-labelled. Each pool was hybridised three times and at least once with each of the Cy5 or Cy3 dyes to maintain dye balance. Analysis was with LIMMA software. (b) Brain samples were hybridised directly using pools of five individuals. Pool labelling was as detailed above. Two separate pools of precocious brains (PB1 and PB2) were each compared directly to two separate pools of non-precocious brains (NPB1 and NPB2). All hybridisations include dye swaps. Analysis was with LIMMA software.