Fig. 5.
Summary of changes in resting potential, input resistance, and adaptation ratios for each experimental group. In each row, data from normal (unoperated) cells are shown in filled circles, data from shams with squares, and data from ablated animals with triangles. A: effects of 5-HT pharmacology on resting membrane potential. B: effects of 5-HT pharmacology on input resistance. C: effects of 5-HT pharmacology on adaptation ratio. Summary of 5-HT effects on intrinsic properties on normal, sham, and ablated neurons with development effects. Normals (black closed circles), P12–P21 sham (black closed squares), and ablated (black closed triangles). P30–P35 sham (black closed squares) and ablated (black closed triangles). B: effects of 5-HT pharmacology on input resistance. C: effects of 5-HT pharmacology on adaptation ratio. Paired t-test significant differences only where asterisks (*) are placed.