Immunohistochemical analysis of PrPC, nestin and MAP-2 expression in Day-27 bovine fetuses. Sagittal sections of whole fetuses show immunoreactivity for (A) PrPC, (B) nestin and (C) MAP-2 mainly associated to the CNS and peripheral nerves. Specific PrPC staining (black arrow) was detected in the intermediate (il) and marginal (ml) layers of the developing (E) brain, (I) spinal cord and (M) dorsal root ganglia (drg). Nestin (black arrow-head) showed a wide pattern of staining mainly localized in the periventricular (pv) layer of the (F) brain, (J) spinal cord and (N) dorsal root ganglia. MAP-2 expression (white arrow-head) was observed in the marginal and intermediate layers of (G) developing brain, (K) spinal cord and (O) dorsal root ganglia. (D, H, L and P) Negative control incubated with non-immune horse serum instead of primary antibody. Abbreviations: he; heart; mes, mesencephalon; met, metencephalon; mye, myelencephalon, me, mesonephros; liv, liver; sc, spinal cord; sto, stomach. Bar scale: (A–D) 500 µm; (E–P) 100 µm.