Proliferative cell lineage analysis in SPEM induced by DMP-777, L-635, and H felis infection in Mist1CreER/+/Rosa26RLacZ mice. Proliferating cells in mice were visualized with antibodies against MCM2. (A) MCM2 stained only proliferating normal progenitor cells in the upper fundic gland neck, whereas no proliferating cells were observed in the X-gal–staining chief cells (n = 4). (B) In DMP-777–treated mice (n = 8), we observed MCM2 expression in X-gal–staining cells at the bases of fundic glands. Right panel: higher magnification view. (C) In mice treated with L-635 (n = 6), MCM2 staining was observed in X-gal–staining cells along the entire gland length. Right 2 panels: higher magnification views. (D) In H felis–infected mice (n = 6), MCM2-staining nuclei were present in X-gal–staining cells throughout the length of the glands. SM, submucosa; LF, lymphoid follicle. Right panel: higher magnification view. (E) MCM2-positive proliferative cells were quantitated (±standard error of the mean). The number of proliferating chief cell-derived, X-gal–positive cells in L-635–treated animals and H felis–infected mice was significantly greater than in DMP-777–treated mice. **P < .01. Bar, 50 μm.