Fig. 5.
HIF-1α protein translation was decreased by KN-62 treatment via inhibition of Akt signaling. (A) The reporter activity of Tk/HIF-1α-5'-UTR Luciferase in Hep3B cells treated with Normoxia, Hypoxia or Hypoxia with KN-62 was analyzed. Values are shown as the relative value to normoxia sample. (B) The reporter activity of CMV/GFP-5'UTR-Luciferase in Hep3B cells treated with Normoxia, Hypoxia or Hypoxia with KN-62 was analyzed. Values are shown as relative value to normoxia sample. (C) KN-62 inhibits phosphorylation of AKT. After 8-hr incubation under hypoxic conditions with 0, 1, 2, 5, or 10 µM KN-62, Hep3B cells were lysed and subjected to Western blotting with anti-phospho S473 Akt antibody, anti-total Akt antibody and anti-β tubulin antibody. *Denotes p<0.05 between indicated groups.