ApoA-I expressed by transduced endothelial cells increases cholesterol efflux. BHK cells were labeled with 3[H] cholesterol for 24 hours then for an additional 24 hours with or without mifipristone to induce ABCA1 expression. The cells were then incubated with one or more of: purified human apoA-I, medium conditioned by HDAdNull-transduced EC, or medium conditioned by HDAdApoAI-transduced EC. Cholesterol efflux was measured by counting 3[H] in medium and in cell extracts. Values are mean ± SEM for n = 3–6 for two independent experiments. apoA-I, apolipoprotein A-I; BHK, baby hamster kidney; CM, conditioned medium; EC, endothelial cells; FGAd, first-generation adenovirus; HDAd, helper-dependent adenovirus.