Table 3.
Effect (change in variance accounted for) of twin contact, alcohol/drug group, and the contact × group interaction on child outcomes
Effect | Child outcome variable |
Child AD | Child ND | Child CD | Problem index | |
Alcohol/drug groupa | ΔR2 = .01, p = .01 | ΔR2 = .01, p < .01 | ΔR2 = .01, p = .05 | ΔR2 = .01, p < .01 |
Twin contactb | ΔR2 = .00, p = .24 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .17 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .18 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .09 |
Contact × group interactiona | ΔR2 = .00, p = .16 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .42 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .38 | ΔR2 = .00, p = .14 |
Total R2 of full model | .12 | .06 | .10 | .13 |
ΔR2 indicates the amount that the variance accounted for increased when the specified effect was added to the model The Alcohol Group effect was added to a base model that included the covariates
Two terms were added to the model for these effects (see equation and explanation in text)
Test of the weighted average of the contact slopes