Figure 4.
Equivalent circuit of host cell membrane before and after virus infection. The membrane potential (Vm) of the host cell plasma membrane (m) at rest is generated by the parallel arrangement of active and passive transporters (black lines). The active transporter, the proton ATPase, has an inherent resistance Rp and creates a battery voltage Ep (ca. −400 mV). The parallel transporters (channels, carriers etc.) are summarized here with their resistance RT and their equilibrium voltage ET (< 0 mV). Because Rp ≪ RT, Vm is very negative at rest. During infection the electrical properties of the viral particle, which contains the K+ channel with the resistance RK, are connected (gray lines) via a low resistance fusion pore (RF) with the membrane of the host. Because RK ≪ Rp and RT, Vm becomes dominated by EK, i.e., depolarizes