A model Artificial Human Ovary can be constructed with the theca cell honeycomb and granulosa spheroids while maintaining microtissue integrity. Granulosa cell spheroids (GC) self-assembled into spheroids and compacted within 48 h (a) in a comparable manner to theca cells. Granulosa cell spheroids could be placed into theca cell honeycombs seeded 22 h prior to form a model artificial human ovary (b). The theca cell honeycomb and granulosa cell spheroids maintained their respective shape after 24 h of coculture (c). Labeling of granulosa cell spheroids with Cell-Tracker Green confirms that microtissues placed 24 h prior within the theca cell honeycomb maintain their integrity (d) during envelopment by the theca, just as in panel C. Continued coculture and envelopment of granulosa cell spheroids within the model artificial ovary shows maintenance of microtissue integrity at 48 h (e) and 5 days (f) after initial placement of spheroids. Scale bars (100 microns) are the same for panels b, c, and for panels d, e, f