Immunohistochemistry for IL-10 expression in lung allografts. Lung transplantation and treatments were performed, as described in Materials and Methods. Seven days posttransplantation, allograft lungs were harvested, fixed, sectioned, and stained for IL-10, and IL-10-expressing cells were quantified. A, Allo; B, CsA; C, col(V); D, col(V) plus CsA. IL-10+ (see arrows) cells were significantly greater in the col(V) plus CsA group (D) compared with Allo group (p < 0.05). Photomicrographs are representative of immunohistochemistry of three or four allografts in each group (original magnification: ×400). Quantity represents the mean ± SEM of the quantity of IL-10+ cells of three or four rats in each group.