ROS regulate Cav-1 expression. A, H460 cells were treated with various ROS generators, including DMNQ (5 μm), H2O2 (100 μm), and FeSO4 (50 μm) for 24 h, and cell lysates were prepared and analyzed for Cav-1 expression by Western blotting. B, cells were treated with various ROS scavengers or inhibitors, including MnTBAP (50 μm), CAT (7,500 units/ml), NaFM (5 mm), and deferoxamine (DFX) (0.5 mm), and Cav-1 expression was determined after 24 h. Blots were reprobed with β-actin antibody to confirm equal loading of samples. The immunoblot signals were quantified by densitometry, and mean data from three independent experiments (one of which is shown here) were normalized to the result obtained in control cells. Data are the mean ± S.D. (n = 3). *, p < 0.05 versus nontreated control.