The receptor-type guanylyl cyclase GCY-22 in ASER promotes salt avoidance. (A) Rescue experiments with expression of gcy-22 under its own promoter or ASER-specific gcy-5 promoter in the daf-18(e1375); gcy-22(pe917) mutant. (B) Suppression of the avoidance behavior of daf-18; 2-ASER mutants by the gcy-22(pe917) mutation. NaCl chemotaxis of wild-type animals, lsy-6(ot71), daf-18(mg198); lsy-6(ot71), lsy-6(ot71) gcy-22(pe917), and daf-18(mg198); lsy-6(ot71) gcy-22(pe917) mutants under naive conditions. Error bars represent SEM. (***) P < 0.001, (**) P < 0.01, Bonferroni t-test. n.s., not significant.