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. 2010 Jan 27;2(1):8–15. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v2.i1.8

Table 1.

Results of studies comparing CEUS and US in the detection of liver metastases

Study n Study group1 Gold standard Type of analysis Sensitivity
Piscaglia et al[33], 2007 109 UK CT, FNA, follow up P-by-P2 0.77 0.95 (23%)3
Konopke et al[23], 2007 100 K IOUS P-by-P 0.56 0.84 (50%) 0.93 0.84
Larsen et al[38], 2007 365 UK FNA, CT, IOUS P-by-P 0.69 0.80 (16%) 0.98 0.98
Janica et al[40], 2007 51 S or K CT, FNA, follow up P-by-P 0.63 0.90 (43%)
Dietrich et al[32] 131 UK CT, MRI, FNA, follow up P-by-P 0.81 0.91 (12%)
Quaia et al[31], 2006 253 S or K FNA, CT, MRI, IOUS P-by-P 0.40 0.83 (107%) 0.63 0.84
Konopke et al[39], 2005 56 S or K IOUS, FNA, CT P-by-P 0.53 0.86 (62%) 0.89 0.89
Oldenburg et al[15], 2005 40 S CT, MRI L-by-L4 0.69 0.90 (30%)
Albrecht et al[51], 2003 123 S or K CT (MRI, IOUS, FNA) P-by-P 0.94 0.98 (4%) 0.60 0.88
Esteban et al[36], 2002 27 K CT L-by-L Found 9.3 metastases pr. patient Found 18.8 metastases pr. patient
Solbiati et al[52], 2001 32 K CT L-by-L Found in 21 out of 32 patients 10-94 more metastases than US
Bertanik et al[53], 2001 28 K CT L-by-L 0.59 0.97 (64%)
Albrecht et al[22], 2001 62 S or K CT, MRI, IOUS, FNA P-by-P 0.92 0.97 (5%)
Harvey et al[37], 2000 11 K CT L-by-L Found 9.0 metastases pr. patient Found 21.8 metastases pr. patient

Included patients with known (K), suspected (S) or unknown (UK) liver metastases;


Patient-by-patient analysis;


Figures in brackets are percent changes in sensitivity;


Lesion-by-lesion analysis.