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. 2010 Oct 27;2(10):331–336. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v2.i10.331

Table 1.

Distinguishing features of pancreatic cystic lesions[1,14-19]

Typical characteristics IPMN MCN SC PSEUDO SPN LEC cNET cPDAC
Age Group Elderly Middle Middle-Elderly Any Young Elderly Middle-Elderly Elderly
Gender 70% male 95% female > 50% female > 50% male 80%-90% female 80% male 50% each > 50% male
History Asx; Pain; ± jaundice Asx; Pain; nausea Asx; VHL Pancreatitis Asx; Pain; nausea Asx Asx; Fxnl; MEN Asx; Pain; ± jaundice
Location in pancreas Head in 70%; Multi-focal Body/Tail in 95% Anywhere Anywhere Anywhere Peripheral Anywhere Anywhere
Shape Ovoid Spheroid Ovoid Spheroid Ovoid Ovoid Spheroid Variable
Locularity Any Uni or Oligo Oligo or Multi Uni Oligo or Multi Oligo Uni Any
Duct Com-munication Common No No Common No No No Some
Calcification No No Central sunburst No Some No Some No
Cyst fluid appearance Viscous, clear, muc Viscous, clear, muc Thin, clear, nonmuc Opaque, bloody/necrotic debris Opaque, bloody/necrotic debris Nonmuc, crystalline debris Nonmuc Thin
High CEA/Mucina + + - - - - - ±
High Ca 19-9 ± ± - - - - - ±
High amylase + - - + - - - ±
Epithelium Columnar, Papillary Columnar Cuboidal No epithelium Poorly cohesive cells with nuclear grooves Squamoid Uniform Gland-forming
Stroma Fibrotic Ovarian Fibrotic Fibrotic Sometimes hyalinized Lymphoid Sometimes hyalinized Fibrotic

aMay be positive in cases of luminal contamination of endoscopic needle aspirate. IPMN: Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm; MCN: Mucinous cystic neoplasm; SC: Serous cystadenoma; PSEUDO: Pancreatic pseudocyst; SPN: Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm; LE: Lymphoepithelial cyst; cNET: Cystic neuroendocrine tumor; cPDAC: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with cystic degeneration; VHL: Von hippel-lindau disease; Muc: Mucinous; Nonmuc: Nonmucinous; Asx: Asymptomatic; Fxnl: Functional. These data are derived generalizations of the literature, with the understanding that there is significant overlap among cyst types and there are inherent sampling errors associated with various tests; diagnostic and treatment decisions should not rely solely on the information presented in this review. An electronic worksheet version of this table is available at