Tumor-derived progenitors form neurospheres in culture that give rise to both neuronal and glial cells. Neurospheres from one tumor, BT1, were cultured at medium (A–D) and clonal (E–H) densities. (A) A typical primary neurosphere. (B and C) Undifferentiated primary neurospheres expressed high levels of nestin protein (B, green) and low levels of β-III-tubulin (C, red) and GFAP (C, green). (D) Expression of β-III-tubulin and GFAP, after 7 days of differentiation on substrate. (E) Nestin expression in undifferentiated clonal neurosphere cells. (F) Musashi-1 (green) expression in undifferentiated clonal neurospheres. (G) β-III-tubulin (red) and GFAP (green) expression in a differentiated clonal neurosphere. Some cells (arrows) expressed both markers. (H) Hu (green) expression in a differentiated neurosphere. Some nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (F and H, blue). (Scale bar in H = 30 μm in A, G, and H, 60 μm in B–F.)