Figure 5.
Adherent GFP-expressing borreliae are ingested and degraded following cocultivation with IDE12 and DAE15 cells. Uninfected cells are indicated by solid line and closed circles, Rickettsia peacockii-infected cells by dashed line and open circles. Differences in the number of uninfected or R. peacockii-infected cells with adherent or phagocytosed GFP-retentive borreliae are not statistically significant at any time point. A. Percent of uninfected and R. peczcockii-infected IDE12 cells with adherent borreliae. B. Percent of uninfected and R. peacockii-infected DAE15 cells with adherent borreliae. C. Percent of uninfected and R. peacockii-infected IDE12 containing phagocytosed but intact borreliae. D. Percent of uninfected and R. peacockii-infected DAE15 containing phagocytosed but intact borreliae.