Figure 6.
Kidney stone formation and movement through pronephric duct in early-larval trpm7 mutants. A, Bright-field (A) and fluorescent (A′) views of alizarin red-stained kidney stone in the pronephric tubule of a 5-dpf trpm7 mutant. Dashed lines indicate the dorsal and ventral margins of the pronephric duct. Arrows indicate alizarin red-stained kidney stone visible in both bright-field and fluorescent views. Solid vertical lines indicate reflective pigment cells (iridophores) that are evident in epifluorescent illumination using both the mCherry filter set (shown) and EGFP filter set (not shown). Insets, Higher-magnification views of boxed areas in main panels. B, Kidney stones transit through the pronephric duct as revealed by repeated imaging. Shown are kidney stones that have moved through the pronephric duct lumen after 12 h after first imaging.