Biochemical changes. A, Systemic calcium levels after 10 d of the various treatments noted on the graph. Compared with placebo, lactation and OVX were associated with slightly decreased calcium level, and the combination of PTHrP infusion with OVX was associated with a slightly increased calcium level. Each group contained the following numbers of mice: placebo, 10; lactation, 10; leuprolide, nine; PTHrP, 10; PTHrP/leuprolide, 11; OVX, 11; PTHrP/OVX, nine. B, Systemic PTH levels after 11 d of the various treatments noted on the graph. Compared with placebo, PTHrP infusion, the combination of PTHrP infusion with leuprolide, and the combination of PTHrP infusion with OVX were associated with a significant reduction in PTH levels. Each group contained the following numbers of mice: placebo, five; lactation, five; leuprolide, seven; PTHrP, seven; PTHrP/leuprolide, four; OVX, five; PTHrP/OVX, six. C, Urinary Ca/Cr after 11 d of the various treatments noted on the graph. Compared with placebo, lactation, PTHrP infusion, the combination of PTHrP infusion with leuprolide treatment, and the combination of PTHrP infusion with OVX all resulted in lower calcium excretion. Each group contained the following numbers of mice: placebo, six; lactation, seven; leuprolide, seven; PTHrP, seven; PTHrP/leuprolide, seven; OVX, eight; PTHrP/OVX, six. For each panel, an asterisk denotes a P < 0.05 compared with placebo-treated mice.