prmt5 mutations lengthen the period of pCAT3:LUC in DD and LL. Seedlings of the indicated genotypes containing were entrained to photocycles (LD: 12/12 h) for 7 d before release into DD (A and B) or LL (C–H). Average traces of pCAT3:LUC expression (mean ± SEM; n = 11–13 in A–D; n = 8–36 in E–H) and period versus relative amplitude error plots show the long period of H54 (A–D), the allelism of H54 and prmt5-2 (E and F), and the rescue of the long period of H54 by PRMT5 (G and H). The gray and black bars in A and the white and gray bars in C, E, and G indicate subjective day and night, respectively.