(A) LHDA has a longer the 3′ end compared to LDHB. Primers P1 and P2 recognize both LDHA and LDHB producing 238 bp DNA fragments in PCR, whereas P3 only recognizes the 3′ end of the LDHA producing 525 bp DNA fragments in PCR with P1. Gene sizes are not to scale. (B) Rhizopus oryzae s. s. strains produces 238 bp and 525 bp bands in a PCR reaction with the three primers P1, P2, and P3, however, R. delemar strains produce only 238 bp bands with the same PCR conditions. Non-specific amplification of 900 bp bands occurred with several R. oryzae s. s. strains. Size marker is 100 bp ladder (NEB, Ipswich, MA, USA). Rhizopus oryzae s. s. strains are (from left to right) NRRL2908, CBS346.36, NRRLA-336, CBS110.17, NRRL1897, NRRL1501 and Rhizopus delemar strains are (from left to right) ATCC34612, NRRL2871, NRRL2005, NRRL1528, NRRL21447, NRRL13908.