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. 2010 Dec 9;6(12):e1001029. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001029

Table 3. Residues important for NAD+ binding and reaction.

Region Role Iota toxin comparison (wt = 100)a Chelt Certhrax Mav toxin EFV toxin TccC5 Vis toxin
rearranges upon target binding, stabilizes last E of [QE]XE, may bind “vital N”, may reposition N-ribose ring Y246 H62 Y279 Y686 Y345 Y734 F67
binds N-ribose T280 T687 T346 T735 S68
reaction step 2, rearranges on target binding, aids rotation of O5D-PN bond, may “catch” oxacarbenium ion before transfer Y251A: 0; Y251F: 90 T71 Y284 Y691 F350 (S738, S739} Y72
Vital N binds A-phosphate N255 N288 N695 N354 N742 N76
may position “vital N” L258 L291 L698 L357 I745 L79
region B active site loop binds A-phosphate R43 R292 R699 R358 R746 R80
region 1 unclear Y294 Y24 Y340 V729 Y393 Y773 Y116
region 1 R binds A/N-phosphate R295A: 0; R→K: 1 R25 R341 R730 R394 R774 R117
region 1 R binds nicotinamide R296; (backbone H bond) A26 R342 G731 G395 V775 G118
binds A-riboseb (2 residues) E301A: 0 S28 ∼343–348 (S344} ∼732–737 (T732, N733 } ∼396–400 (N399, E400} ∼776–780; (T777} ∼119–123 (W120 }
binds adeninec (1–2 residues) Y333? Y41? ∼380–384 (Q382, N384} ∼748–752; (E750} ∼410–412 ∼802–806 ∼135–139 (E137}
Region 2 STS unclear F336 F77 Y385 F753 F413 Y807 F140
region 2 STS positions last E of [QE]XE via H-bonds, stabilizes oxacarbenium ion S338A: 5 S79 S387 S755 S415 S809 S142
region 2 STS stiffens active site via H bonds to nearby β-sheet T339A: 20 T80 T388 T756 T416 T810 T143
region 2 STS orients ARTT loop and [QE] of [QE]-X-E S340A: 25 T81 S389 S757 S417 S811 S144
PN loop (region E) stacking interaction with nicotinamide; mobile F349A: 0; F349Y: 20 Y398 F768 F426 F819 F153
PN loop (region E) binds N-phosphate R352A: 0 R402 ∼769–773 R437 R829 R166
ARTT loop Target recognition, may reorient on ligand binding; can bind last E of [QE]XE Y375 H125 Y426 Y790 Y186
ARTT loop reaction step 3, substrate specificity; (mobile) E378A: 0; E378D: 0; E378Q: 0 E128 Q429 E793 E461 Q884 E189
region 3 EXE binds N-ribose, reaction step 1 E380A: 0; E380D: 0 E130 E431 E795 E463 E886 E191
Region 3 Unclear L382 L59 L433 L797 L465 L888 L193

These data apply to the homolog iota toxin and is rounded and reproduced from [33], [122].


Possible range given, followed by residues most likely involved; protein backbone H-bonding.


Possible range given, followed by residues most likely involved.