Figure 5.
Traffic of TChC up the active-site gorge, along a MD trajectory in simulation group III. The gorge is shown as a ribbon diagram. The snapshots (A–E) display the TChC molecule as a ball-and-stick model, and the side chain of F330 as sticks. (A) The 2c5g crystal structure (green). (B) Snapshot at 2-ns simulation of the MD trajectory (cyan); (C) at 2.5 ns (magenta); (D) at 4 ns (yellow); and (E) at 12 ns (salmon). (F) Superposition of F330, Y121, and TChC extracted from the data presented in panels A–E. The arrow indicates the direction of movement of TChC. F330 and Y121 are shown as sticks, and TChC as ball-and-stick models.