Suturothrix monoarmata, Thailand (14, 15, 20), and Brazil (16 – 19) specimens after protargol impregnation. 14, 15: Ciliary pattern of dorsal and ventral side of same specimen. 16, 18: Ciliary pattern of dorsal and ventral side of same specimen. Arrowheads mark triads of basal bodies in brush row 2. 17: Dorsal view showing triads of basal bodies in brush rows 2 and 3 (arrowheads). 19: Ventral view showing two shortened ciliary rows (arrows). 20: Frontal view with minute oral area marked by arrow. B: dorsal brush; CV: contractile vacuole; E: excretory pore; MA: macronucleus; MI: micronucleus. Bars 10 μm (Figs 18 – 20), 20 μm (14 – 17).