Ceramide inhibits AM efferocytosis in vivo. A, apoptosis of target thymocytes following ex vivo incubation (24 h), measured by flow cytometry following dual staining with PI and annexin V (representative flow panel; cells in the right upper and right lower panels are apoptotic). B, in vivo AM efferocytosis of intratracheally delivered PI-labeled apoptotic thymocytes (30 min), assessed by flow cytometry. AM were recovered by BAL from Sprague-Dawley rats treated intratracheally with either Cer 16:0 (PEG 2000-conjugated; 10 mg/kg; 24 h) or vehicle (PEG 2000); means ± S.E.; n = 4; *, p < 0.05 versus untreated; #, p < 0.05 versus vehicle).