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. 2010 Sep 21;38(22):8149–8163. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq804

Table 6.

Functional analysis of genes with at least one G2L1–4 GQS present in the RNA

GO IDa GO Catb GO termc GQS genesd All genese % GQS genesf P-valueg
    0003824 MF Catalytic activity 2894h 6393i 45 9E-65
    0006468 BP Protein amino acid phosphorylation 506 798 63 1E-53
    0016740 MF Transferase activity 1118 2176 51 2E-49
    0016301 MF Kinase activity 661 1151 57 2E-48
    0043687 BP Post-translational protein modification. 579 985 59 2E-46
    0005478 MF Transporter activity 504 993 51 1E-19
    0000166 MF Nucleotide binding 490 980 50 2E-17
    0048856 BP Anatomical structure development 359 681 53 5E-17
    0007275 BP Multicellular organismal development 441 871 51 7E-17
    0016020 CC Membrane 1011 2266 45 3E-16
    0022414 BP Reproductive process 275 502 55 8E-16
    0000496 MF Base pairing 0 631 0 <1E-99
    0006412 BP Translation 174 1129 15 4E-51
    0010467 BP Gene expression 293 1487 20 1E-41
    0003723 MF RNA binding 179 983 18 7E-30
    0000154 BP rRNA modification 1 70 0.01 3E-9

Provided are overrepresented and underrepresented gene ontologya (GO) ID numbers, bGO categories (Cat) and cGO term for gene products encoded by pre-mRNA with at least one G2+L1–4 GQS. Included are dthe number of genes (scored if GQS is in CDS, 5′-UTR, 3′-UTR, or introns) with a GQS that are annotated for the listed GO term, and ethe total number of genes in Arabidopsis with the listed GO term. Also included are fthe percentage of genes with GQS with a given GO term and gthe appropriate P-value, as determined using the BiNGO program. hThe total number of GO-annotated genes with a GQS in G2L1–4 is 9097. iThe total number of GO-annotated genes in A. thaliana is 25 179. Table is sorted in order of increasing P-value. Some GO terms are sub-categories of others. Complete list is provided in Supporting Information Supplementary Table S2.