Figure 2.
Relationship between spikes and LFPs as a function of contrast. All analyses are shown for the interval between 150-406 ms post stimulus onset. A) The average LFP-LFP coherence between 198 and 234 pairs of electrodes for Monkeys 1 and 2, whose receptive fields were within 0.2 degrees of the stimulus center. B) Phase histograms of the LFP-LFP coherence values at peak gamma frequencies, indicated by inverted triangles in A. C) Average spike-LFP coherence between 185 and 155 pairs of electrodes in Monkeys 1 and 2, whose receptive fields were within 0.2 degrees of the stimulus center. D) Phase histograms of the spike-LFP coherence values at peak gamma frequencies, indicated by inverted triangles in C. E) Spike-triggered LFP average. Time of the spike (0 ms) is shown by a dotted line for clarity. F) Probability of a spike as a function of the phase of the gamma cycle. The gamma cycle is shown in gray. The trough of the gamma cycle (180°) is shown by a dotted line for clarity.